Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shadows in the dust, Maximus

A quote from the movie, Gladiator.  The reason I bring it up is that my thoughts are running wild this morning.  The thoughts are like the shadows in the dust ( or was it dusk?).  Thoughts are ephemeral things, they exist for the moment, and then are gone - like the shadows.  Unless there is some way to record them, they will be lost.

And so it was while I was just now in the shower.  I was thinking about something, and now I have forgotten it.  Damn it.

It was all about authority and religion.  There has to be an authority.  People tend to accept authority.  That's how they become sheep.  The obey without thought nor reason.

But the authority is not always right.  In fact, at the end of a civilization, as was the case in the Western half of the Roman Empire in the mid to late 5th century, the leadership was so wrong that the collapse was all but inevitable.

Civilization may be like organic things.  They may have a life cycle.  Birth, maturation, death.  At each stage of a civilization's history, it will progress along those lines unless something alters its trajectory.  In an earlier time, I believed that this was not inevitable with the West, because of the possibility of renewal.  But when renewal is closed off, the life cycle cannot be altered and the outcome will be inevitable.  I think we may be a similar danger with this PC garbage.  It traps people in a closed mindset.  It is DESIGNED to keep people entrapped into a closed mindset.

But this is not what I was thinking in the shower!  I was thinking that just now.  If I hadn't typed it in just now, it would have been lost.  Shadows in the dusk!  Dusk is probably right. It makes sense.

Maybe the loss of a thought would be unfortunate or maybe not.  Nobody reads this blog anyway.  Fuck it.  I don't care.

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