Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Random musings post

Various thoughts are rumbling in my noggin at the moment.  Here's an attempt to put it all into one post.

  • GOP cheerleaders are kidding themselves about this election.  We are told over and over that the GOP is likely to take over the Senate.  This is sounding a lot like the predicted victory of Romney over Obama.  Somebody over there is kidding us.  Even if the GOP wins, it won't matter much.  They don't take on the Democrats.  A GOP Senate won't be that much different than a Democrat Senate.
  • The Ukrainian business isn't the ideological matchup as in the Cold War days.  It could be a matchup between Globalists and Nationalists.  Some folks over at the GOP are comparing themselves with Reagan, but in Reagan's time, it was an ideological battle between communism and capitalism.  This comparison of today's politicians  with yesterday's is like comparing apples and oranges.  Anyway, if Reagan was alive today, he'd be on the side of the Nationalists.  He favored America above all.  I'm sure he'd be for free trade, but not if America lost its sovereignty.  The Globalists don't give a hoot about America's sovereignty, nor Russia's.
  • People get too carried away with the concerns of the moment and can't see the Big Picture.  This allows the mind controllers the opportunity to "boil-the-frog".  That is so that they can sneak their societal engineering under the radar.  Again, the GOP allows themselves to be dragged into the argument of the moment, while missing the Big Picture.  They take part in the "wedge-issues" that divide us, instead of looking for common areas that can keep us united.  If there's anything we should be united on, it is that the Constitution must be preserved.  The Globalists will not do that.  They will undermine the Constitution relentlessly until it doesn't mean anything at all.
  •  Cruz is looking more and more like a Globalist.  But Paul isn't necessarily looking like a Nationalist.  Neither one will be much of a help in fighting this battle.  I'm starting to give up on Cruz, and starting to worry about Paul.  If you don't know your enemy, you are doomed to fail.  That according to Sun-Tsu in the Art of War.  The GOP rank and file don't know who their real enemy is.  It ain't necessarily Russia.  Russia ain't necessarily our friend either, but we don't have to be enemies.
  • Another sign that the GOP is kidding us.  A majority of young people said in a certain poll that they favored same-sex marriage.  If you've lost the young, you've lost the war.  The Globalists want same-sex marriage in order to destroy the American character.  The GOP won't even teach the young that they are being tricked into supporting, which is to destroy their futures.  The same-sex marriage proponents are also a part of the Limits to Growth "Climate-Change" crowd.  In my view, they are one and the same.  They are worship at the altar of the almighty superstate headed by ultra control freak leftists who want to regulate us down to the last detail.  We will be doomed to misery and despair if they succeed, and the GOP is showing no signs of a meaningful resistance.
  • This blog is an attempt to find answers to our common problems, but it is failing.  It is failing because of some flaw in the human character that prevents people from honestly addressing the issues that face them.  That flaw is the tendency to want to join up in a community of thought that becomes rigid and unyielding so that it resembles a religion of sorts.  Globalism is just another religion, probably the one the elites prefer.  I have ranted about "churches" for the longest time.  These churches aren't about anything that will be constructive in solving our common problems.  In fact, they will get into the way because of their rigid thinking patterns that have become a necessary part of their religion.  We need out-of-the-box type thinking if we are going to move up to the next level in civilization.  Instead, we will be lucky to keep what we have already achieved, and may well run towards disintegration as in the Roman Era.
  • The elites of our time are certainly capable of getting rich and gaining power, but they are definitely not capable nor interested in solving our problems.  It's about them, not about the people.  As for the people, they are sheep.  They are going to do what they are told and taught by the elites.  Same thing happened in Roman times.  Either we learn how to be better people or we are screwed.

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