Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rep. King Creates Furor With Remarks on Immigrants



Representative King of Iowa made the claim that there's 100 drug mules for every valedictorian amongst the young undocumented illegals.  The left is all in a snit over this claim.  Here's a question for you:  Is it true or not?  For the left is claiming that there's valedictorians amongst the illegals and that opens the door as to how significant this number is in comparison to the others who are less desirable.

Common sense, which is uncommon these days, would suggest that King has a point.  For a  valedictorian is rare in any case.  Probably even more rare amongst illegals because many of them don't finish school.  Their graduation rates are lower than average, if my information is correct.  The odds are that there will be significantly fewer scholars amongst them.

But the complaint is that King isn't being nice.  What obligation does King have in being nice if the truth is being suppressed?  Does political correctness count more than accuracy?  This is the kind of thing that is killing this society.  I hope that the opponents to this proposition will continue to supply the facts to a nation even if it hurts to do so.  There can be no justice without the truth.  There's no justice in flooding this country with undesirables just because we don't want to look like we're not nice.

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