Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thinking about the big picture

Well, number one on the list is that as a blogger, one has to blog.  Every day.  This can be a bit of a grind after awhile.  I've been doing this for almost three years now.  After three years, it's hard to say anything new.

It's a big world though, and lots of things in it.  Always something new to look into and write about.

But my mood isn't there this morning.  I'm going over some things, like some old posts and so forth.

So, I'm checking in, but I'm probably not good for a whole lot of posts today.  That's unless I find something out there that piques my interest.

Some big picture observations:
  1. Trayvon Martin didn't die because of Stand Your Ground and Guns.  He died because nobody cared enough about him.  He was on the wrong track.  Somebody needed to pull him back, but either nobody could or nobody would, and it didn't happen.  So, he died.  Those who are crying over him now are crying crocodile tears.  One thing I noticed about the left.  They love to exploit death for political purposes.
  2. Barack Obama became President because he was the Magic Negro.  That's not new, but what is new is that the magic may be wearing off.  Maybe Obama just doesn't have the magic anymore to rescue all of us from ourselves.  He is just a politician after all.  He does what's political, not what's right or good.  The magic was never really there, you know.  All hype.
  3. The left says they want to talk about race.  I doubt that.  They want to talk AT us about race.  If they wanted to talk TO us, they'd talk about their own responsibility for the situation.  They just want to blame and accuse and to gain from that.  Nothing wrong in trying to gain from something as long as it is an equal exchange.  Value for Value.  But this isn't about that.  One thing that the left does very well is to get an advantage for themselves while claiming to be working for the good of all.  It's is all bullshit.  It's all about getting an advantage.
  4. The left's ideas in practice don't work, but their political ideas work like gangbusters.  Why is that?  There's a reason for that and the conservatives had better figure it out because the time is getting late.  Maybe too late.  If I may offer an explanation, I sort of covered it yesterday.  It is about unity and maintaining it.  The left is good at that, the "right" is horrible at that.  If the "right" can't or won't figure it out, maybe it is because Trayvon Martin is to the left what the death of the Republic will be for the "right".  In other words, if the Republic dies, it is because nobody can or nobody will do anything about getting this country back on the right track.
That's enough for one post.

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