Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why the government is systematically lying to us

In connection with the price action of gold, the thought occurred to me that we are being lied to systematically.  It's being done for political reasons.

At the bottom of the page, there is a link to the site that publishes government statistics that were used in the past.  If these same statistics were used today, the reporting would be much more negative than it is.  The rosy numbers would not look so rosy, and the smell would be much more sour.  For the government wants everything to appear better than it really is.  That is so as to keep themselves in power and to keep the population quiet.  Another technique is to provide bread and circuses.  But, in order to do this, it requires massive government spending; which is being financed by printing money out of thin air.

Gold prices are being suppressed as well.  Any sign of gold rising is a negative sign that must be suppressed.  After all, the government doesn't want anyone to get the notion that the government's own policies are failing.  With alternative stats showing inflation at 1970 levels instead of the near zero levels, the general mood would be much more negative than it is.  Instead of zero interest rates, there would be political pressure to increase rates to a higher level.  A rising gold price, therefore, shatters the myth making created with manipulated government statistics.  News of rising gold prices must be suppressed, and so it is.

How do gold prices get suppressed?  My theory is that gold is being leveraged like the paper based debt system is.  Consequently, there's more paper gold than actually exists.  If this isn't leverage, then it must be something else.  Fraud, perhaps.  Whatever it is, it isn't based upon the truth.

So, the government has most people believing things are better than they really are.  This charade can continue as long as the dollar maintains its reserve status, but that is in increasing jeopardy.  Other nations, in particular those doing trade with China, are seeking to do trade without using the almighty dollar.  Once enough nations do that, the dollar's reserve status will have been effectively ended.  If the dollar's status is lost, it will be harder to maintain the fiction that all is well.  But by that time, damage will have been done, and it will be impossible to reverse it.  For we are headed towards a one-party state.  The practices of deception are necessary in a totalitarian state in order to keep the people in line.

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