Thursday, July 25, 2013

Assorted thoughts

Usually I'm up and running a bit earlier than this.  I wanted to think, but my thinking is going nowhere.

Here's a few snippets
  • With respect to the gold chart that I posted recently---gdp per oz gold per capita shows the entire country hasn't gotten richer in terms of gold since 1970.  To me, that makes sense.  We have been following a backwards economic policy for that entire time.  The rich aren't getting richer, we're all getting poorer.
  • The less that gets said about Zimmerman, the better.  If this president was a leader, as opposed to a political hack, he would be saying that.  The system has produced a result.  Live with it.
  • The "One" made a speech yesterday.  I started to review it, but changed my mind.  It was a political speech disguised as an economic one.  It is politics 24/7 with this administration.
  • I was going to write something about Abraham Lincoln, since the "One" likes to compare himself to him.  His second inaugural speech where he said something to the effect "with malice towards none, and charity for all", which seemed a good place to start.  But he said nothing else memorable in that speech.  Anyway, this president has been hyped to a ridiculous degree.  He can't raise his game to Lincoln's level.  When did this guy say anything memorable?  Can't remember it if he did.
  • I did go on a read some other inaugurals.  FDR's was memorable.  JFK's was memorable.  So was Reagan's.  Those are my impressions, only.  Others may disagree.   One thing about Grant's inaugural, he used the first person singular an awful lot.  It really sticks out when you see that.  Bad habit.
  • My mood is downbeat.  Sometimes, its hard to keep this thing going every day.
That's all for now.

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