Monday, July 22, 2013

Personal beef about my bank

Starting right out of the gate with this post, here's a turn of phrase that's sure to drive capitalists crazy:
We are now witnessing capitalism with an inhuman face.
Notice the historical reference if you can recall.  In the late sixties, there was a Czech leader, who wanted we he described as "socialism with a human face".  That explains the reference above.

What has driven me to use such a provocative reference to our own system, which, until recently, was strongly free enterprise?  Not my politics, I assure you.  The trouble is, this isn't free enterprise.  It is state directed capitalism, or more properly, fascism, and it should have no place in our government and economy.

So, when banksters, who get so much free money from the fed, want to rip off depositors, I get a bit testy.  Banksters should not be cutting jobs and raising fees after so much largess has been bestowed upon them.  Note that said largess was necessary in order to save their skins for their own failures leading to the crisis in 2008.

What I am pissed off about in particular is my bank raising fees right and left.  Also, this bank of mine keeps insisting upon pushing paperless management of accounts.  It's bad enough that they charge all the fees and everything.  It's bad enough that they don't pay interest anymore.  Now, they are moving to charge you a fee for bank statements.  No, this hasn't happened yet at my bank, but it is on the way.

There should always be a paper trail, especially for financial documents.  The only reason not to have them is to reduce costs for employees who are needed to produce said documents.  So, they are screwing the bank employees and screwing depositors.  All this for a service that will eventually be brought to you by machines only.  They own the machines, so you pay them for safekeeping of your money.  Trouble with that is, that won't even do that properly.

People need to get their blinders off.  Something's wrong here.

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