Sunday, February 24, 2013

Did you know...

...that geothermal energy actually comes from radioactive decay?  Did you know that?  Did you also know that if it weren't for this, that there would be no atmosphere, and therefore no life as we know it on Earth?  Just look at Mars, which had an atmosphere and water, as does Earth.  It lost that because it has no magnetic field, as Earth does.  The reason Earth has a magnetic field is because of its liquid core.  Its liquid core is possible because of radioactive decay.  Did you know that?

Well, the reason for this discussion is because of all the admiration going to Iceland, which depends upon "renewable" geothermal energy.  The same "renewable, green" energy discussed just above.

Okay, can we just drop all the bullshit about nuclear power?  If we had molten salt reactors we could power our own civilization at a higher level and it would be just as "green" as Iceland's economy.

Isn't the real opposition to nuclear power the fact that it comes from the ingenuity of man's mind, which runs counter to the philosophy that there's no truth?  Otherwise known as postmodernism philosophy?

There's no difference between naturally occurring radioactivity and man-made radioactivity.  They are one and the same.

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