Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Space: The Ultimate in Escapism

When I write about space, I get the feeling that it is escapist.  Our political situation is so bad, and it's getting worse all the time.  Writing about space cheers me up a bit.  Unfortunately, it is probably escapist, in the psychological sense, to write about space when things here on the ground are so bad.

In the end, the government won't do anything constructive in space.  With the government as it is, it can't do anything constructive at all.  It has become a destructive force.  Before long, we will see the terrible consequences of the failure to reign in such a destructive force.

Since space is escapist psychologically, might it also be a way to literally escape this crazy world?  To answer that affirmatively must require a concerted effort by those who are disaffected to really want to leave- in the physical sense- leave this country.

But, to go where?  Maybe other parts of the world are freer that we are at present.  But the greatest freedom of all is to be able to get away from it all in every sense of the word.  If those in power are going to try to put chains on us all, it would be harder to do that if everyone could leave on their own whim.  That's what space could offer.  A limitless frontier.  Instead of "go West, young man", you could say, "go up, young man".  Up to the ultimate in freedom, consistent with law and order in a civilized society, as Ronald Reagan once said.

It would require a large effort.  But with a large number of people, it would become possible.  Not for everybody, but for enough to make a new start in a new country or world out there.

This old world is wrapped up in a twisted mess of insanity and may not be salvageable.  Plans could be made for an alternative.  An alternative based upon the principles that once guided this nation and made it great.

So, it is all just an escapist dream, or is there anybody out there who would like to make this happen?

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