Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Want your Constitution back? Start here.

American Thinker

The ratification of that amendment would free the deep-red states to ramp up enforcement of the death penalty until they achieved results even more dramatic and unmistakable than those seen in Texas, where executions increased from zero in 1980 to a record 40 in 2000 -- and the murder rate plunged by almost two-thirds, while murder in non-death-penalty states fell only 21 percent [1].

The left-wing is a death cult.  It works because it pretends to be the opposite.  You have to look at the results, not the intention and the claim.  They are for gun-control and against capital punishment?  That looks like compassion, but it is the opposite.  By taking away the God given right of self-defense and by allowing criminals to get off scot-free, the left-wing is encouraging death and destruction.  Therefore, gun-control is but one of a many examples of their death-cult in action.   To stop leftism is to promote life.  To reward leftism is to promote death.  It is as simple as that.

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