Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Can Rednecks Save America?

By Robert Ringer - Monday, February 25, 2013

The so-called sequester is yet another dose of the never-ending political theater that perpetually diverts the attention of iPod and sports addicts from such mundane matters as liberty and tyranny. By now, of course, all but the walking dead realize that if the sequester actually happens, it will amount to nothing more than a slight — make that very slight — decrease in the growth of spending.

Yet, every media outlet — including Fox News —continues to play along with the “let’s all wring our hands in unison and try not to panic” game orchestrated by the statists in our nation’s capital. I trust you’ll excuse me if I ignore the Chicken Little game and address a subject that is a bit more important — our accelerating pace down the road to serfdom. You need not worry about my startling the walking dead, because I have it on good authority that they don’t read my stuff anyway.

As bored as I may be writing about him, I have no choice but to once again allude to the Duplicitous Despot. Throughout his life, Obama has been an angry kid on a mission: the complete destruction of Western civilization. For crying out loud, it’s not like his past is not well documented for anyone who can read at a sixth-grade level.

The fake smile is cute and all that, but Obama’s bitterness is clearly visible in his actions. And, in all fairness, it’s understandable. His father, who left him shortly after he was born, was an alcoholic, philandering failure with delusions of grandeur. Not a situation anyone would wish on any child.

But such was Obama’s life, and, unfortunately, his unhappiness drove him to seek out other angry people — from Frank Marshall Davis to Jeremiah Wright, from Bernadine Dohrn to Michelle Robinson (whom he married). Today, of course, he is surrounded by an army of like-minded Marxists of his choosing.

These are radical leftists who hate America, hate Western values, hate all that’s pure and wholesome about life. Thus, there is no mystery as to why the fascist left so despises truth. After all, truth is the purest and most wholesome thing in the universe. Truth is the enemy of the Marxist crowd because, left to play itself out with no outside interference, it will never fail to expose the most carefully crafted lie.

But the left, at least since Lenin, has developed the art of doublespeak to the point where it is capable of transforming the most heinous lie into an apparent truth (i.e., what the walking dead — or just the average uninformed individual — perceives as truth). And once people abandon unprocessed truth and embrace hydrogenated truth, which is much more palatable, the left is able to impose its will on the populace without serious resistance.

Also, an important aspect of the left’s ability to transform lies into truth is that they are masters of indignation. Well-schooled leftists religiously follow the Alinsky tactic of shaming people who dare to speak the truth.

If you speak the truth about Obamacare, you want to see millions of poor people suffer.

If you speak the truth about unemployment benefits, you want to see millions of poor people suffer.

If you speak the truth about minimum-wage laws, you want to see millions of poor people suffer.

If you speak the truth about redistribution of wealth, you want to see millions of poor people suffer.

The script never changes. It’s boring; it’s childish; it’s insulting to a thinking person’s intelligence. But it works! The left doesn’t try to intellectualize things. It keeps its message simple.

Marxists Democrats know full well that Boehner brains are incapable of processing intellectual thoughts … or facts … or moral issues. Boehner brains are wired to simply give knee-jerk responses — the kind of responses that aid the Dirty Dems in moving evermore rapidly down the road to serfdom. Above all, Boehner brains are predictable.

There is only one way to combat the emotional sewage of the left: Confront it — head-on — loud, clear, and unequivocally. Timidity does not work. The left thrives on the timidity, cowardice, and lack of principle of statist conservatives — including supposedly conservative TV commentators who provide its members with a daily platform to spread their lies.

What is annoying about all this is that millions of us knew the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about Obama before he ever took office. We knew he would never make the original of his birth certificate available to any independent authority. We knew he would use the Cloward-Piven strategy to collapse the economy and make virtually everyone dependent on the state. And we knew he would try to ban all guns in order to make citizens defenseless.

At the risk of drying out Chris Matthews’ pee-soaked trousers, I am compelled to speak the unspeakable: Barack Obama is not “the smartest guy in the room.” In fact, as those who knew him at the University of Chicago have made clear, he is not a particularly intelligent individual. He is, however, exceedingly clever and cunning.

Which is why guns are now at the top of his agenda. He senses that the Tea Party — which folded up shop after its 2010 victories — is coming back, this time with many more rednecks in the mix. Rednecks are a government’s worst nightmare because they (1) own lots of guns and (2) often live in hard to reach places — mountain ranges like the Ozarks, the Appalachians, and the Smokys. And they don’t much care for people who wear government badges.

Whenever government criminals try to exert absolute control over people, the use of force is a must. You cannot stop people from doing things they want to do, or make them do things they don’t want to do, without applying brute force. And that’s a dangerous tactic when there are several hundred million guns stashed away in private hands.

It would take an inestimable number of Waco-style attacks to root out every redneck in the U.S. That’s why Hitler, Stalin, and every other brutal dictator was smart enough to grab people’s guns early on. After that, gulags, gas chambers, and firing squads were easily put into place.

Do I seriously believe that gulag prison camps are possible in the U.S.? Yes. Do I seriously believe gas chambers and mass executions are possible in the U.S.? Yes.

In fact, any kind of atrocities are possible, but only if government first accomplishes its number-one objective: taking away your guns. Remember, when people fear the government, they get tyranny, but when the government fears the people, they get freedom. And government will continue to fear the people so long as the people have guns.

You have permission to reprint this article so long as you place the following wording at the end of the article:

Copyright © 2013 Robert Ringer
ROBERT RINGER is a New York Times #1 bestselling author and host of the highly acclaimed Liberty Education Interview Series, which features interviews with top political, economic, and social leaders. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis Miller Show, Good Morning America, The Lars Larson Show, ABC Nightline, and The Charlie Rose Show, and has been the subject of feature articles in such major publications as Time, People, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Barron's, and The New York Times.

To sign up for his one-of-a-kind, pro-liberty e-letter, A Voice of Sanity, Click Here.


Good stuff, but needs to hit harder.

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