Monday, January 28, 2013

Obama's rank hypocrisy

It is rather typical of the left.  How?

  1. Obama wants gun-control for everyone else but himself.  Same for Feinstein.
  2. He preaches to the Republicans about compromise.  But remember what Harry Reid said about Romney if he had won the presidency.  Reid said that he wouldn't work with Romney.  Compromise for thee, but not for me.
  3. In the Contract with America in 1995, the new Republican majority required Congress to live under its own laws.  Prior to that, we had 40 years or so of liberals dominating Congress and exempting Congress from its own laws.
  4. It's okay for Michael Moore to be rich, but that's not good for you.  You shouldn't even bother, he says.
  5. They say they are for the middle-class, but the worst place in the nation for the middle-class is the uber blue state of California.
  6. They say they want economic growth, but they do everything they can to stop it.  If you have success, they want to make you feel guilty about it, and then try to take it away from you---unless you act properly liberal, of course.

I'm all for common ground.  But there can't be any compromise on principle.  Which is very hard for liberals because their only principle is the advancement of themselves at any cost.

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