Saturday, February 2, 2013

State of the Blog

The President of the United States gives a State of the Union address.  Why not try that on this here blog---that is to say, how are things going with this blog?

Why not?  So, here goes:

Last month was the best month ever in terms of pageviews.  For the past several months, there has been a steady increase in pageviews.

Even so, the numbers are not all that good.  Lets look at a chart based upon Blogger's own statistics:

The last month was over 8000 pageviews for the first time ever.  Compared with where I started, that's pretty good.  Compared with what I need, not so good.  I should clarify what I mean by the use of the words "what I need".  If this blog is to stand on its own as a commercial entity, it needs a sufficient audience to advertise.  Although I haven't checked into it, I don't think these type of numbers would command much of a price in terms of advertising.  You have to deliver an audience in order to get that.

The upcoming Super Bowl is an example of what an audience can do for advertising.  But I'm not that ambitious, I just want an audience that will allow the blog to be viable as an enterprise.  It hasn't been reached.  As far as I can tell, it's not even that close.

You have to have reason for why people would want to come here.  I've tried to provide that as best I could.  I think I have found some reasons why things aren't getting better in our society, but are actually getting worse.  I think it is all because of the same reason---those in power don't want things to get better.

This may be too provocative a claim.  People just don't want to believe it.  It is better to be optimistic, but I think it is more important to be realistic.  There's no realism out there.  To the contrary, people are living in a fantasy world.  That fantasy world is being shaped by the powers that be.  Things are not the way they appear.  Things are being presented is such a way as to keep everything just exactly the way it is.

The powers that be are dedicated to preserving things as they are because they have what they need.  They have no real incentive to improve things.  They have no real incentive to do anything but to keep what they've got.  At the same time, there's no accountability for when they screw things up for everybody else.

It is becoming quite evident to me that this is a dysfunctional state of being that could lead to collapse.  There are problems that have a crying need of attention, but the attention isn't there, or is being diverted to things that don't matter towards solving problems.

Time after time, I see the same pattern.  A technology that could make a difference doesn't take hold.  Then you get the inevitable question of "if it is so good, why isn't anybody doing it?"  The asking of that question shows in a nutshell what is wrong.  People are assuming that building a better mousetrap will cause people to flock to your door.  People are assuming that those in charge will solve the problems.  The trouble is with people's assumptions.  What if those assumptions are dead wrong?

I think the rosy scenario assumptions are dangerously wrong.

Definitely wrong.  You need something more than just a superior mousetrap.  You need something that will cut through all the noise and all of the vested interests and all of the apathy.  This is a tall order.  There's a great big world out there with a huge potential market, but there's no way to reach that market if you are being drowned out by a cacophony of conflicting interests and disinformation.  The powers that be are making sure that that cacophony is as loud as possible.

Money would help as it could provide the power to cut through the noise.

Money makes the commercial world go round.  If you have the money, that's a start towards your goal.  But that's all it is---a start--- as money alone won't do anything useful towards solving a problem.  Throwing money at a problem won't solve the problem if the spending of that money is ineffective.  This government is spending money like nobody's business and what is it getting us?  Trillion dollar deficits and no prosperity, that's what.  If throwing money at a problem could bring prosperity, we should have the mother of all booms right now.

So, it looks a lot of a misallocation of the precious resource of money.  Money isn't being spent wisely.  Nor is it intended to be, in my opinion.

Time is also a precious resource.  Most people are busy with their lives.  I know I am.  You have to prioritize how you spend your time because there's a limited amount of that.

I have little money and because of that, I have limited time.  My time must go towards earning a living as this blog isn't doing anything to help that.

I guess this sounds like I'm pleading poverty.  Yes, I am.  But this blog isn't any different from anybody else who could do the same.

To get around that problem, I feel that I am offering value for your time here.  Maybe you didn't know about some of the things I've posted about here.  I know I didn't.  If I didn't know, maybe some folks out there didn't know.  If you read this blog, now both of us know.  That's the general idea.  To inform.  The media doesn't do that.

The media is in service to the powers that be.

Frankly, if your information source isn't providing ideas on how we can get out of our mess, it isn't worth spending your time there.  I don't care how popular it is.

Lady Gaga is popular.  But what good is she?  What good is she providing?  If the shit hits the fan, would anybody care about what she's doing anymore?

You need to know what to do to avoid to have the shit hitting the fan.  If that can't be avoided, you need to know what to do to keep that shit from getting all over you.

That's what this blog is about.  It is amazing to me that there's so little interest in it.  But that's the world we live in.

I hate pleading poverty.  I hate asking for handouts.  I won't do that.  I try to offer value and wish to receive value in return.

But there's little interest in that today.  It is damned hard to get through all that too.  But I'll keep trying.

There's nothing better for me to do.  Giving up would be like dying.

The state of this blog is that things are getting better, but does it matter if the pace is too slow?

That's the problem for me, as I am limited in my resources.  I'll continue for as long as I can.

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