Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So much to do, so little time

When you are pressed for time, you have to set priorities.  Same for money too.  You can't do everything that you would like.  You can't have everything that you would like.

I noticed the dichotomy in my posts---on the one hand, it is optimistic, and the other pessimistic.

Should I follow the pessimistic side or the optimistic side?  The question seems to answer itself.   Nobody should want to wallow in pessimism.  Yet, there are problems --- BIG PROBLEMS --- that are screaming for attention.

What to do?


I could ask for help, but I have a history of not getting that.  Not to knock those who have helped me in the past, not trying to be ungrateful for that, just saying for those times like this when I could have really used it.  If it is important enough to you, you should help.  Otherwise, you're just jerking off.

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