Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GOP probably won't hold House in 2014

The book I'm reading tells why.  No, the book isn't specifically about politics.  But politics is implied in it in terms of its connection to why things are falling apart.

Democrats are corrupt and are proud of it.  Yeah, that's my opinion---it's not in the book.  They know their ideas don't work, but they don't care.

Republicans are also corrupt.  That's my point---also not in the book.  They just do lip service to the traditional virtues, but they don't really mean any of it.  If they really meant what they said, this book would be their Bible.  That's how I know that they are corrupt too.

The Republicans may not be as thoroughly corrupt as the Democrats, but what good is that?  A throughly corrupt government versus a somewhat less corrupt government?  What kind of choice is that?

I'm not through reading the book.  When I do, I'll strongly consider doing a review of it.  This post should not be construed as a review.

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