Friday, December 7, 2012

Don't expect much in the way of positives from government

Politics is a downer right now.  There's no other way to look at it.  The best that you can hope for is that they won't do too much damage.

Republicans are a disappointment.  They are not going to be an opposition party.  They are going to be a "me-too" party.

A lot of people didn't go to the polls in November.  You can understand why they didn't.  There's nothing to vote for here.  The one thing that the Republicans had to sell is being given away.  Why vote for them?  They offer no alternative.

Last night, I watched an hour long video on Ann Barnhardt's site.  She's been saying that the Republic is dead.  The one objection that I have to this is that people did not have to vote for who they voted for.  She claims that it is all dog and pony and that the elections were a fraud.  Okay, but why did millions of people vote the way they did?  They didn't have to.  They could have done something differently, but they decided to do this.  You have to try to understand why they behaved as they did.

I refuse to believe that the country could have changed this much in just a decade.  My reason for not believing this?  After 9-11, 90% of the people wanted to get the persons responsible for the attack even at the risk of war.  The soul of the people hasn't changed that much that would allow Barak Obama to get away with failing to render aid to his own Ambassador.  The problem is that the people at the top won't defend the country.  When Romney wouldn't take on Obama more directly on this, he pretty much threw the election.  People realize that there's nothing to vote for, so they stayed home.  That's my theory.

She's claiming that it is all a fraud, but how do you get tens of millions of people to do just lay down and accept being oppressed?  They aren't.  Millions are arming themselves.  They are giving up on the political class and expect the worse from them.  That's what I think.  Barnhardt is one of them.  But the people are still there.  Nothing has changed that much.  The politicians are at the root of the problem.  Nobody knows what to do about it.

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