Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Zombies have eaten our brains

The powers that be have us wrapped around their little fingers.

Note the drift of my posts.  Here's the public out here.  We are told to be afraid of nuclear meltdowns.  But this is highly unlikely, and I think, most likely impossible.  Yet people obey.  They are afraid because they are told to be afraid.

But when it comes to Benghazi, the people don't care.  You have re-elected a president who wouldn't help his own Ambassador.  What does this mean?  Nobody is asking that question.  Not even the Republicans.  They are told that there's nothing to see here, so move along.  The people unthinkingly comply.  Yet a president wouldn't aid a fellow American in distress.

What's the problem?  Why, consider this: if you are in an car accident and you fail to render aid, you are in trouble.  But the president of the United States fails to render assistance, the people are told not to care, and so they don't care.  They don't care even when they must know that if they behaved in a similar fashion, they'd be in big trouble.  But they are told to be scared stiff of nuclear reactors and they unthinkingly obey even though there's no real danger to speak of.

They turned us into zombies.  Unthinking, mindless zombies.  The zombies are in control and they ate our brains and turned us into zombies too.

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