Friday, December 7, 2012

Behind the Black: The press lets Curiosity get the better of them



What is remarkable about this data is how similar the results are from all three rovers. For the Martian surface at least, this data proves that the planet has some very basic components that are similar in widely different places. It is also gives scientists a solid baseline for further research. The goal now is to find significant deviations from this baseline, which Curiosity will hopefully do once it begins to climb Mount Sharp. Once it finds these deviations, scientists will finally be able to begin to map out the true geological make-up of the planet Mars.

And that will be the real news, because then we will finally begin to learn something fundamental and basic about the angry red planet.  [ emphasis added]


The "angry red planet" phrase reminds me of the movie I saw when I was a kid.  A trailer for it is below:

The movie seems laughable now, but this was 50 years ago and it was a kiddie flick.

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