Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Technology Review: Why We Can't Solve Big Problems


Funny question.  There's a solution to the energy problem that's happening right under our very noses.  Evidently, somebody isn't paying attention.

However, there are some solutions that are even better than the ones being found in the oil business.  For example, molten salt reactors.  The irrational fear of radiation is one of the main culprits for the failure to adopt that technology.  But what about technologies that offer no such rationale--- or shall we say excuse?  For just $2 million bucks, you may get a proof of concept for a radiation free form of limitless energy.  That proposed energy system may even solve the launch problem.  But nobody is interested in finding out if this can be done.  The assumption seems to be that it can't.  So, it won't.

Maybe nobody cares.  Maybe that's the reason.


I didn't read all of the article.  Unfortunately, it swerved into stupid when they started talking about global warming.  You can't solve problems if you insist upon being stupid.


Are they stupid, insane, or just dishonest?

The left thinks the problem is that they don't get enough money.  But they have poured billions into solving problems that aren't being solved by their methods.  These problems aren't impossible to solve and it isn't the lack of money for the non solutions of said problems.  The reason for the failure is that the "problem" isn't intended to be solved.  They need the problems to exist forever to justify their existence as "problem-solvers" who never solve problems.  For once the problem is solved, there's no further need for these people.  They can't afford to solve any problems.

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