Sunday, May 8, 2011

Peter Diamandis: Our Moral Imperative to Explore

There's a need to show this video in order to answer the question of why go to space with all the problems on the ground.  Space seems like a sideshow to most people.  Something you do to entertain people.  Like bread and circuses for the masses.

I think that this is an unfortunate consequence of the failure of the government to make space accessible. Making space accessible was the mission of the Shuttle, but, as we have seen, the Shuttle failed that mission.
Consequently, nobody believes that it can be done more cheaply than what it is done now.  Furthermore, since the Shuttle was limited to low earth orbit, the idea began to set in that the capability to do more was beyond us.

That's another thing that's wrong.  Once you get into orbit, you are "halfway to anywhere".  The idea that it is beyond our capabilities is turning into a myth that needs to be busted.

here is more

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