Sunday, May 8, 2011

Compare and contrast

Rosie then

Rosie now

She reserves all her compassion and concern for bin Laden, but notice how hard she is on Bush. We are not monsters, she says. Only toward those who already hate us and want to kill us. But those who want to kill us are not going to be impressed with what Rosie says. Good intentions will not earn you any brownie points with these people. If they are capable of mass murder, they have crossed the line and have to be dealt with accordingly. If they support mass murder in this fashion, we need to know who they are and also act accordingly. Rosie and those like her are a plague upon this nation. We really need to know why she is so quick to exonerate those who would kill us and accuse those who would protect us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She said at one time that a plane flying into those buildings would not cause them to collapse. Intimating they came down due to a Bush administration conspiracy to go to war. If she wanted bin Ladin to be arrested and tried, she should have put on a size XXXXL burkha and tracked him down and made a citizen's arrest. This woman should not be taken serious since she is an anti-American provacateur, with probable psychiatric weaknesses manifested by constant irrational chatter.