Friday, January 26, 2024

Trump wins New Hampshire

11/26/24: Update to yesterday's post:

Here is in bold relief the real purpose of Nikki Haley's candidacy. She's not getting Republican votes, she is dividing the party. It is the only real purpose for her continuing candidacy. She has no support. The votes she's getting now will not be there in the general election.

The line is that she is more electable, but if she cannot win the rank and file, she cannot win period.

end update, the most recent update follows below:

Daily Update:

It looks like 3 times more voters in the GOP primary than in the Dem primary. You KNOW that there aren't that many GOP voters in New Hampshire! It'd be redder than West Virginia if that were true. That alone should be sufficient to show that Nikki Haley's votes were coming from Democrats. Had to be.

By the way, how long will NBC keep up this story? I'm sure that they'd like to bury it.

end daily update, original post follows below:

Last time I looked, it was this morning, and it was about a 10 point victory.

Not that I expected any different. I guess I'm always looking down the road a bit. The expectation was for a Trump victory, so this isn't a surprise. But what does it all mean?

The polls indicated a bigger margin. I'd say that this means that the Democrat effort to narrow the victory, or even produce a defeat for Trump, was the reason for the discrepancy. But what does it mean?

I'd say that if it doesn't result in a defeat of the forces that are taking us all down, then it is in vain.

I'd also say there's no reason to compromise with the RINO faction that joins with the Democrats. No soup for you, RINOS!

Now if the RINOS would be more reasonable, maybe we can talk. Maybe. But joining with the Democrats is not the ticket, RINOS. So the RINOS should take the "L", and look to mend fences. But if they did that, they wouldn't be RINOS anymore. We'll see. But I'm not optimistic that there will be any change. Even if there were any change, I'd be VERY suspicious.

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