Thursday, January 25, 2024

How to thwart the nefarious propaganda technique of projection

1/25/24: Daily Update: A deeper dive

  • It's not a misunderstanding.  These people are lying because they know the truth.
  • Recent moral developments in the culture have enabled this to become even more powerful.
  • It's hard to tell WHO is projecting.

The article gives you a clear definition of what projection is. Why it is so powerful, and examples in history. The changes in our culture with respect to moral relativism has supercharged the technique. A powerful anti-dote must be applied. For example, the use of slander is being adopted because people have drifted away from Judeo-Christian moral ethics provided in the Ten Commandments. Therefore, speaking falsely against others is now considered okay. The moral rot of Postmodernism has taken root amongst the population. This change has been drastic and fairly recent.

Key quote:
The bottom line is that significant portions of the U.S. and world populations have no firm moral barricades against projection.

What to do about all this? The article discusses the anti-dotes at length. It would be wise to learn and practice these techniques continually. That's the reason for this deeper dive!

Some things to look out for:

  • Confirmation bias
  • Mind reading
  • Lack of self-awareness

Finally, you have to do your own research. Therefore, improve your own research skills.

I hope this is a good enough summary. I hope to refer to this in future posts.

end daily update, the original post follows directly below:

Just Facts Daily


Everybody in the MAGA movement needs to read this, and learn it by heart. MAGA has got their work cut out.

Yes, I think that this is a way towards more truth in government, and therefore, it is a good thing. You sure cannot count on the other side to do it. Indeed, they are the reasons why MAGA had better do it. The other side just MIGHT do it, but in cynical ways. Read this article carefully if you need to know why.

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