Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Stupid is what stupid does said the sage

Update of post from 10/12/23:

In the spirit of never underestimating the power of stupid, there's this from Don Surber via Instapundit.

Reynolds thinks they're complicit. If that's the case, they're not stupid, but evil. Surber thinks they're foolish. (that would mean gullible)

Never underestimating the power of stupid would suggest that maybe they are neither evil, nor naive. They're just stupid. By the way, this is in reference to the mishandling of the alleged bombing of the hospital in Gaza, and the media's reaction to it. It's stupid not to learn from your mistakes. You lose credibility when you continue doing the same mistakes over and over again. But then again, that would match what Einstein said about insanity. Add insanity to the list. But insanity can make you stupid, so there's that.

end update

Columbus Day, 2023:  I would update this, but it gets repetitious...

Update of post made on November 14th, 2021:

Perhaps the study of real life examples can show stupidity in action...

Let's assert that the fact that people like John Fetterman can become a US Senator, is just plain stupid. After all, how can this possibly be a good thing? It would probably draw some type of objection to assert that his being a Senator is really stupid. Why is it stupid then?

If you object, then consider this: Would you pay to attend a course in which this guy was attempting to teach you something? Does he seem competent to you? Would you be willing to pay this man for doing a job when he cannot express himself adequately? Isn't it stupid to expect anything good from this guy? Finally, would you willing to put your life in this guy's hands? But our lives ARE in his hands.

According to the laws of stupidity, you have to be able to gain from something before it isn't a stupid thing to do. Even those who gain from Fetterman being Senator are being stupid because of the kind of damage that he can do. You can die because of people like this. We could all die because of people like this.

You really have to wonder how Fetterman can get into the Senate. Has the collective stupidity become this powerful?

Hopefully there are enough non-stupid people in this country who can reverse this situation. This is worrisome.

the original post of Nov 14th, 2021:


Theory of stupidity


Looks like I just glossed over the subject when I came across it again here on Insty. It is all you wanted to know about stupidity, but were too dumb to ask.

The one I linked to isn't the same as the one on Insty, linked above. In all seriousness, it is not so dumb subject. It can have serious consequences.

The two links are two separate perspectives upon the same subject. But if you are dumb enough to be struggling with the subject, may I suggest a way to avoid being dumb? Maybe it won't work, which would be yet another example of stupidity. But anyway, my definition of stupid is one in which I have fallen into ( sadly) myself. It is this: you are stupid if you fail to see what is clearly in front of you. Well, maybe that is blindness. But this isn't a matter for your eyeballs, but your perceptiveness. If you fail to perceive what you should, you could be acting stupidly. Please don't do that. However, a warning. You may not be able to avoid it. Sometimes, or maybe, many times, stupidity comes so naturally that you don't even have to think about it.

Now for your edification, and possible self-preservation, here is an embedded version of what I saw previously.

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