Sunday, July 29, 2018

Jennifer Rubin's nice try

It's a nice try to wrap oneself around the phrase "rule of law".   But it isn't the rule of law, it is politics.

I won't link to her Washington Post column, but she is now trying to save Mueller with the accusation of "obstruction of justice".  This was predictable.  Since there is no obvious crime, and no evidence to support that there was one, the only thing left for those who want to get Trump is to charge obstruction of justice.  To me, it was transparent from the beginning.

There is something called the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.   Any search or seizure has to be based upon probable cause.

How can you have a search for a crime that you don't know happened, and be consistent with the law?  How can there be probable cause of a crime when you don't know what crime has been committed?  How can they justify hiring a prosecutor when they don't have the crime?

What was the probable cause that would warrant the hiring of a Special Prosecutor--- Mueller?  Mueller's job is to prosecute crimes that have occurred, but what crime was committed here?  So far, he has not indicted nor convicted anyone of a crime that was in connection to his commission.

What exactly has he been doing all this time?

Collusion is an accusation that is freely thrown about these days.  But there is no law against collusion.  This is not to say that collusion happened or not, only that "unreasonable searches and seizures" of government agents are proscribed, when such are merely a hunt for evidence of political skulduggery.  While collusion may be considered political skulduggery, nobody has named an anti-collusion law that has been violated.  Hence no criminal investigation is warranted for such, even if such has happened.

Even after two years of unreasonable searches and seizures, and questionable practices, not even skulduggery has been found.  Yet, we are to believe that--- to demand that these unreasonable searches and seizures should stop should be considered as an obstruction of justice?

Nice try Jennifer, but you lose again.  As in 2016, the opponents of Trump like Rubin have nobody but themselves to blame.  But they keep on trying.

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