Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Obligatory, 8.1.18

July 2018 is now in the books.  The past is written, but the future is not yet written.  One eternity is before us, and another is behind us.

Hey, when you run out of stuff to say, you can get into some really weird shit.

No comment upon the news.  Not much there I want to comment upon.

It is a cool morning, so we have that going for us around here.

I am thinking of adding a screen door to the front door awning.  Another door on the just completed awning might also be possible.  You know, I could build up a deck, and maybe the thing could be useful for sitting outside for awhile.  Yeah, but that all costs money, and I should be economizing.

No more storage location in Austin.  But I could still drive there and work.

Something could replace the storage location, and it could be a membership in the Y.  It is possible as a place to exercise, and to chill out for awhile.  Thinking about it anyhow.

The awning looks tacky.  I need a level in order to make my work look better.

That will be all for now.

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