Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The latest accusation

Updated, on 1.16.18:

What did I tell you?  Dems love shitholes so much that they want America to become one.  Check out the story of the bluest of the blue, San Francisco.  You need a poop map to avoid stepping in it!

1.12.18, 5:20 pm:

The significance of what Durbin said can be illustrated thusly:  If Durbin characterized what Trump said in the exact same language as Trump did, it isn't news.  What is news is that Durbin said that Trump called these countries the name that Durbin (himself ) used.  Now if Durbin is lying about what Trump said, then the one who should apologize is Durbin because he used that word himself.

Calling these countries bad names is not what Trump said he said.  It is what Durbin said that Trump said.  I think that is a distinction worth pointing out.

By making it a news item, it puts some pressure on Trump which would not have existed otherwise.  Without the aid of the news media, there is nothing to see here.

Let me put it this way:  Durbin is using the news media to slander Trump.  The proof against the charge of slander of Durbin's is proof that Trump really did use that language.  Durbin cannot do this, but Trump cannot prove himself innocent either.  That's what's so evil about it.  You can lie without consequence.  Trump says he wants to use tape recordings of future talks.

When people double cross you like that, trust is broken.  That is why you don't a) disclose what is said in a private meeting, and b) lie about what was said behind closed doors.

It is a dirty trick no matter how you look at it.

12:47 pm

The people who related this information, even if true, are in the wrong for having done so.  The meeting was behind closed doors, which means it should have been kept confidential.  It only proves that those who related this information ( not an admission of any accusation ) are in the wrong.  If it is offensive, and is attributable to Trump, and even if Trump did it, they are still wrong.  They have no honor.  Moreover, if they really cared about the sensibilities of the people who might be offended, they would have conveyed that information in the manner it was given--- through diplomatic channels.  To make it public is a dastardly thing to do.  But, as I said before, these people are not above making false claims.  Trump may not have even said it that way anyway.  These people will say and do anything.  This proves it.  Just sayin'.

original post on 1.12.18 @ 10:56 am follows:

So, Trump is reported to have called certain countries "shitholes".  Seems like he is denying having said this, but so what if he did?

Instead of understanding why they are what they are, and doing something constructive about it, these people want to disparage Trump for saying it.  Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they made it all up.  These people are not above making things up.

Do these people that make these accusations really want to keep America from becoming a third world country ( aka "shithole") country?  Seems to me that this is the goal of Democrats.  They love countries like this so much that they want America to become one.  And so it has, in many respects.

So, if Trump really said that, then don't run away from it.  Truth is truth.

Haiti is a "shithole".  Why deny that?  Why would they want to come here if it wasn't?

Liberals want to discredit people so that they will shut up and cave in to their outrageous demands.

Screw 'em.  I would rather use even a dirtier word, but this essay is filthy enough as it is.

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