Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Clinton Foundation


3:20 pm:

Here's another story that fits in with the general idea.  The general idea is that the left only uses the black people.  They really don't help them, they just use them for their own benefit.

If the Clintons skimmed off the money for themselves, instead of actually helping the Haitians, it would not be the first time amongst those on the left.  Indeed, it is part of a pattern with those people.

In the Soviet Union, the people who were in the nomenklatura got the goodies, while the ordinary folks that they claimed to be fighting for, went without.  This pattern tends to show up again and again in leftist governments, like Venezuela or North Korea.

These people stuff themselves at the expense of their own.  Then they claim to be in service to them.  The truth is those people, under these governments, are enslaved, as they are in service to these people who claim to lead them.

10:00 am, 1.16.18:

This is a story that didn't interest me much.  Still doesn't, but it sure seems like it could be in the center of this shitstorm going on the country right now.

There are those who are claiming that the Clintons robbed the Haitians of the assistance that they were supposed to get when they had a bad earthquake years ago.

An obvious question should be how the hell did the Clintons get so rich?  Did they use their name in order to make their money?  It is a fair question.

Now, if they used their name to make money, could it also be the case that they just might have skimmed a good bit of it off for themselves?

Now you've also got a question about those emails.  Emails that were deleted.  The entire point of having a server off the reservation, so to speak, was to keep it away from prying eyes.  If that was the case, and it had to be, then what were they hiding?

The part of the email story that interested me was the national security aspect.  But the plain and simple corruption of the Clintons could be even bigger.

Always keep in mind that Seth Rich is dead, and a whole lot of people seemed to get dead quick when they got too close to the Clinton's corruption.

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