Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The "Coexist" bumper sticker

Saw one of these today on the road while driving.

The problem with this notion is that religions do not mix, they are like oil and water.  Some things in human experiences are like that.

If you are a true believer of a religion, then for you, your religion is the only true religion.  How can that square with accepting other religions?  It is a plea to ask someone to set aside one's own faith.  It isn't going to work.

I've read a couple articles about the bumper sticker, and I'm a little surprised at the acceptance of this rather left wing notion of coexistence.  It is ignorant in my opinion.  No religion is going to allow itself to be watered down in order to please some secular types who want it so.  If the effort becomes aggressive, so will the response be.  History has shown that religions don't die out easily.  Indeed, the Romans tried to wipe out Christianity, but failed.  So did the Communists.  Underneath the suppression of the religion lie the tiny embers of belief that will grow back into flame once the pressure is off.

Yes, it is a little surprising that in this country so much acceptance for this idea exists.  In this country, one has the opportunity to learn whatever one wishes.  Then why do so many people here seem to be so ignorant?

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