Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Climate hysteria will lead nowhere

As I wrote previously, I've learned a couple things about carbon I didn't know.  It was even enlightening, to a certain extent.  Not only enlightening, but sobering.

Just now, I was thinking about how lacking in seriousness the current climate talks are.  If there really was a problem with carbon, these talks aren't going to even begin to solve them.

Of course, there's the political problem.  If you can agree that there is a long term problem with carbon, and there is, then don't you think that there needs to be an agreement upon the same?  The argument is over the causes and effects of what a problem really is, and that is to say, whether or not carbon is causing a change in climate.  But even if you set that aside, you still have the problem of what comes next after carbon.  That's because carbon is a declining resource.  Eventually, we run out of the stuff.  Something has to replace it.  If you can reach an agreement upon that fact, then something may be possible.  The focus on climate goes nowhere.  You can argue forever on that even if the climate does getter warmer.  You could argue about what's causing it, for example.  No, you need agreements.  One agreement that can be reached is that is a limited resource.  Eventually, it must be replaced by something.

There is a way to replace carbon, but it has been overlooked for forty years.  That's how you know this is completely non-serious discussion.  If you are running out of gas, you don't argue about the weather.  You look for a gas station.  We are arguing about the weather.  It is an absurd argument.

Molten salt reactors can replace carbon and it can happen soon if people would get serious about it.

Cutting back on the use of carbon will only delay the inevitable.  Wind and solar power cannot replace the role that carbon has taken on in our lifestyles.  Either we give up our lifestyles, or we find another source of energy.  Those who wish to impose taxes are only cutting back on carbon, these types of proposals cannot do anything about the need for a new energy source.

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