Sunday, November 29, 2015

Obligatory, 11.29.15; Why Globalization is failing

It will fail because it is secular humanist.   Such organizing principles do not last.  The reason being that they have no concept of future generations.  The people in these societies tend to think only of themselves, so they eventually must fail.  It is seen from the practical standpoint in the failure to reproduce.  If there are no children, there can be no society after just one generation.

Now the secular humanists think they've gotten this one beat- with immigration.  However, the Muslims will no assimilate into a Godless society.  Instead of doing that, they are going to overtake the secular humanists and take over power once their numbers get large enough.

The only way that Globalization can work if it incorporates a religion into it, which is against what drives globalization anyway--- money.  No religion will allow money to come before its conception of God.  Especially the Muslims.   Evidently, Christianity has lost that focus if it ever had it in the first place.  Christianity is other worldly and does not go well with Empires, as was seen in the late Roman Empire.

The Muslims most likely cannot hold their Empire either.  Their former Empires fell away after a short time.

Secular humanists will have to wipe out religions, but even if they do, they will die out anyway.  Nothing can sustain them over time.  With that also goes Globalization, and Globalization must fail.

Globalization must come to terms with religion if it is to survive, but it will kill itself off because it isn't compatible with religion.  Thus, it will try to exterminate religion and in doing so, will kill itself off.

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