Friday, November 27, 2015

With respect to the latest Trump accusation

The dude on CNN claimed that the "thousands of Muslim cheering the 9.11 was debunked."  Not so fast.  There's the article itself that is what Trump was referring to with his gesticulations, in which brought forth the latest accusation.

The thought I had was this:  Isn't this a way to deflect the issue away from the truth?  Trump was saying that the article was never retracted in which it stated that there were Muslims celebrating the attack.  He was saying this while he was gesticulating.  So, instead of hearing Trump's defense of himself, one hears another accusation that he was making fun of a handicapped person.

In my opinion, he wasn't clearly doing that, and besides, what's getting lost in this latest accusation is corroboration of Trump's previous claims about celebrating Muslims on 9.11.

I'm going to embed it this time...

Now, I took a screenshot of the man they are referring to as being ridiculed:

If you watch, Trump gesticulates in an exaggerated way in which this guy may not be able to do.  In other words, the claim is just that, it isn't proven that Trump was trying to make fun of the guy.  There's no video of the guy talking.  That might provide stronger evidence than this picture.  If they had something stronger, why not use that?  If this is the best they've got, then they've got nothing.

Not only that, there's the motivation to distract away from the real issue that Trump brought up and that was the fact that this reporter wrote that there were cheering Muslims and that Trump pointed that out, and that the media doesn't want people to think about that, but about this phony trumped up accusation.

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