Friday, November 27, 2015

Ted Cruz is right on climate change

Yes, he's probably right.  But...  You have to ask yourself a question:  How does this help him win?  The issue can be obfuscated out the wazzoo, so what's the Average Joe supposed to think?  You can argue the point till the cows come home, but you may not get anywhere.  People might do what my sister does and that is trust her feelings on the matter.  Then you lose an election.  The other guys who are wrong win elections like this.  What do you do about it, then?

Force them to defend positions that are hard to defend.  Show that there are solutions to the problems, but that instead of embracing them, the climate alarmists oppose them.  Solutions such as nuclear power.  Solutions such as clean coal.  Instead of these, we get windmills and solar panels.  You cannot run a high tech, high energy economy on windmills and solar panels.  Show how their opposition to these solutions hurts the Average Joe.  Then you can win over their vote and win on the issue, which is only right because these other guys are dead wrong.

Ted Cruz hasn't said anything other than climate science is a religion.  Even if he is right, it doesn't matter if they believe in it anyway.

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