Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Fact checking the fact checkers

Memeorandum has a number of stories about truth telling amongst the GOP candidates.  That's really amusing.  For all these years, I ( and others ) have noted the media's own problems with truth telling.  For these guys to complain about anybody else is truly amazing.

Powerline catches Wapo's Kessler in a lie.  The story is here.  I guess most people's reaction is to do what I did.  You don't bother reading the liars, but stick to the sources you trust.

I recall ( somewhat faintly ) the celebrations of 9.11.  Those were overseas.  I don't recall any here, though.  However, I DON'T WATCH TV.  This has been true for a long time.  But there were other things that I DO recall.  Now, the Powerline blog did find some stories of celebrations here in the US, in contradiction of what this so-called "fact-checker" said.

There's no respect for truth.  Yet, these people want to be believed.  A "fact checker" lying????  How does he keep his job????

I suppose that Trump is stirring up the memories of stuff these people would rather that everyone forget.  There's no question that there are those who would rather forget that the 9.11 attack occurred at all.  Why would they want to do this?  For instance, there was a story about how 9.11 rememberences were being shut down on college campuses.  Why flush 9.11 down the memory hole?  Do they really want everyone to believe that Islam is about peace by blotting out any contradictory evidence?    What does this have to do with the truth?

Even though Trump is a bit guilty himself ( according to Powerline ), he did point out something that people probably have forgotten ( or didn't think about).  I find it unacceptable that ANY of them would celebrate the 9.11 attacks here in the US.  It seems to me that the media is trying to tamp down any reaction to something as outrageous as that.  That, in itself, is outrageous.

Thank God for blogs like Powerline.  If the left had their way, NOBODY could report on these liars.

The real story is how the media doesn't report the truth.  It isn't about how politicians are a bit loose with truth.  Everybody should know that already, but I suppose that fact is being reported a little differently than what it should be as well.

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