Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nominations are around the corner

Things will begin to happen fast as the new year approaches.  Once the nominating process begins, the nominee will quickly emerge, and then the discussion will move on towards the general election prospects.

Just read some reasonable analysis from not necessarily a conservative source of information.  The general opinion is that Trump can win the nomination.  Funny thing is that nobody in general seems to think that he has it locked up.  He has consistently been in the lead for months, now.  Who else would get the nomination?

We'll see.

What is the general mood of the nation?  The same as it has been, it seems.  Obama has his solid support from amongst about 43%.  These won't abandon him no matter what, it seems.  The polls weren't much different back in 2012, and he won anyway.  It would seem that the GOP could easily beat him if they could get their act together.

The key, it seems, is unity.  The Democrats can stay unified, but the GOP cannot.  Hence, the outcome in 2016 largely depends upon the candidate that can unify the party.  That prospect doesn't look good to yours truly right now.

There are those who say that they won't vote for Trump if he gets the nomination.  It may be a lot like that for Cruz as well.  If either of those two win, they will have to do something to bring these people back.  Then, there's Rubio.  Rubio seems to be the alternative to Bush.  But the conservative wing may not trust him, especially because of immigration.  The party seems fractured.  Can they put it together and win?

We'll see.

As for the Democrats, it is likely to be Clinton.  Her husband was the candidate of change, but she has to defend the status quo that few people outside of her party seem to like.

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