Monday, November 16, 2015

Bobby Jindal Offers Chris Christie A 'Participation Ribbon And A Juice Box'

When I read about that the first time, I did a double take.  What's this "juice box"?  It seemed a bit, shall we say, strange.  It is just a orange juice or something they give to a kid for a nice try.  I thought about that, and I thought, you know, something sounds wrong about this.  What's the point here?

I think Jindal is being like Yoda, when he tells young Luke Skywalker to do it or not do it, there is no "try".

We seem to be too satisfied with mere effort.  But effort is meaningless without the will to succeed.  You can "try" all day long, but never succeed.  Oftentimes, somebody can "try" without making any real effort at improvement.

Vincent Bugliosi ripped the prosecutors in the OJ Simpson case back in 1995.  I think that is a real life example of a "try" without any real intention to succeed.  Bugliosi didn't say it that way, though.  But what he did say can be summed up as pretty much the same.

Other examples?  The GOP "tries" to oppose Obama.  But they don't try very hard.  Romney "tried" to beat Obama in 2012, but he seemed to go "beanbag" on us.

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