Saturday, October 13, 2012

Politics ain't beanbag

So, how did the debate really go?  I mean aside from the usual "Barbara Streisand".  That's why I watched the replays, so I could see for myself.

Here's what I saw--- I saw Biden get away with way too much stuff.  I saw Mr. Expert who couldn't debunk every single thing that came out of Biden's mouth--- which should have been easy for an expert.  When it comes to accessing the results of the debate, that's the real deal.  The rest is spin.

Yeah, Biden was rude.  But that is spin.  "Politics ain't beanbag".  What you saw from Biden is a passionate defense of a bad idea.  He was Johnny Cochrane defending The Juice.   Maybe you don't like the idea of getting in the pig pen and wrestling with the pig, but sometimes that is what it may take in order to get that doggone hog into tow.  When you got somebody like Ryan, who is called upon to wrestle with the pig, and doesn't, it won't do to call him "gentlemanly".  Sorry, but that's spin.  That's Barbara Streisand.  An opportunity was lost.  There's no nice way to say it.

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