Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sesame Street: The Good Birds' Club

What a bunch of sanctimonious preaching for toleration. You need to teach people to stand up for themselves. Not to be a big sissy and get pushed around.

Big Bird doesn't like who he is. Sounds like a liberal to me, who doesn't like being an American, successful or white.

If Romney wants to get tough on Big Bird--- then go for it!


This is even richer in meaning than what I thought. In this video, there exists in many forms the kind of bad thinking that liberalism represents.

Liberals exclude conservatives in academia.

Liberals deny any means of getting energy independent that will actually work. Instead, they enforce a energy starvation policy upon the nation that will never solve anything. Any proposed energy solution is given the same treatment that Big Bird got when he tried to join the Good Birds Club.

Liberals exclude conservatives across the board. No matter what conservatives do, it will never be good enough. Too bad conservatives are like Big Bird and try to please liberals. Nothing that they do will ever be good enough to be accepted.

Isn't it all just another example of projection? Liberals exclude others, but want to preach to us about inclusiveness that they won't practice themselves.

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