Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gary Aldrich: Searching For The Moosehead Truth


The description of the Moosehead Truth (MHT) was in Aldrich's book Unlimited Access. When I think of that debate between Biden and Ryan, I think that the MHT went undetected and unremarked upon at the time of the debate where it would have had maximum impact. Here's the money quote from the book:
“Well, your honor, there was this one thing. Raymond always made us come to his office to pay the bribes. He insisted that it had to be in his office because it was safe there. Behind his desk, where he sat when we paid him, was this big mounted moosehead. Well, when Raymond looked into the envelope to count the hundred dollar bills, he would always laugh. He’d point up at the moosehead behind his desk and say, “If that f—ing moosehead could talk, we’d all go to jail!”

There it was. The moosehead truth. The MHT.
You can find the MHT in all of conservative sites which are commenting upon the many lies of Biden, but those all could have been cited in the debate by Ryan himself.  The MHT escaped Ryan's notice that night, and it was Ryan's fault for letting it get by him.

You know this because the left was thrilled by Biden's performance.  If he had failed in evading the MHT, they would've been in despair, just as they were after Obama's performance.  They would have known they were heading for certain defeat, but that is not the case today.  The left has lived to fight another day.  That is why they are thrilled.

The public needs to hear the MHT and to note the guilty look on the faces of the left when they are outed for what they are.  If such had happened in the debate, the public's verdict in November would have been similar to what the verdict was in that trial.  Guilty as hell.  Out you go!!!

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