Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Solutions not wanted--- Problems are a feature, not a bug

This post may be provocative to some, or common sense to others.

Markets are rigged. It is a matter of keeping them rigged.  For this, you need a good bovine-scatological story, like global warming.

Global warming theory is nothing more than a way to rig the oil market so that prices can remain sky high.   That's good for the few, bad for the many.  What would be good for the many would be an outcome very much to be avoided.  Therefore, solutions are not wanted.  Global warming is no exception--- nay, it a perfect example of the rule.  People who believe in the global warming hoax are being duped.

How do I know this?  Over the last couple years that I've been blogging, I've learned a few things. Amongst these, is the LFTR, which is a new type of nuclear reactor that is over 40 years old.  It was developed by the leading minds of nuclear physics, only to be discarded because it will actually work.

That it is what I mean when I say it is common sense and provocative.  It is common sense that markets are rigged to keep prices high.  It is provocative because people don't want to believe that they are being lied to on an epic scale.

This thought was brought on by my latest study of a solar thermal rocket design.  It could work, but if it did, it would not be welcome.  For if the prices for space exploration and development came down, the prices for precious metals could crash.  This could lead to another threat to the price of fossil fuels.  For if  platinum became plentiful and cheap, hydrogen fuel cells could become price competitive.  It is a pattern that can be observed elsewhere, as I have mentioned.

The Discouragement Fraternity don't want you to believe that mining platinum from asteroids can be profitable.  The pattern can be observable for fracking, LFTRs, mining asteroids, hydrogen fuel cells, and cold fusion.  Some excuse is always given for not being able to do these things.  The real reason for not doing these things is that some people have a lot to lose if a better way of doing things can be found.

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