Friday, November 20, 2015

Gaslighting Gang

It's not just Democrats, I suspect.  We are told WE are nuts because we see what we see and say what we see, but the gaslighting gang says "Islam is the religion of peace".  Bravo Sierra.  Islam must be held accountable for what is happening.  It's their problem if they really are peaceful, and mean us no harm.  They should police their violent brethren, or we should hold them responsible.  We are not being paranoid nor excessively fearful for doing so.  It is called "gaslighting" when you are told that you are crazy for having some respect for the truth.  That last part was one I threw in.  I suspect that our civilization does not have the respect for truth that it should have.  Maybe it's because many in the leadership are telling us that it is crazy when it's the truth.  We trust our leadership too much when we start to doubt our own eyes, ears, and mind.

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