Friday, February 6, 2015

Why is this working?

A brief look at a few web pages confirms that nothing really has changed.  The mood of the country is still pretty negative.  Obama's approval rating is still underwater.  The Shadow Stats statistics are still pretty negative.  There appears to be no secret here that is getting overlooked.  So, why does the stock market continue to rally?  It makes no sense.

If you dig deeper, it doesn't get better.  The Greeks are going to leave the Euro.  They pretty much have to.  Once that happens, the other southern Europeans states will follow.  So, let me see.  Is this good or is this bad?  Maybe that makes the dollar stronger, but I am not convinced that this matters as Europe continues to sink and Asia rises.

Russia is not getting any less hostile.  If anything, they are getting more aggressive.  How is this good?

The reviews of the fighting against the ISIS state are not good either.  Iran is on the verge of getting a bomb and a delivery system to bring it here.  How is this good?

Nope, I just don't get it.  Perhaps it is all in the propaganda.  Maybe you can fool most of the people most of the time.  That's all you need in order to win elections.

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