Saturday, February 7, 2015

UKRAINE: Putin's Ultimatum?

Free Republic

money quote from a comment:
There is an absolute fever in the West to cripple Russia, and it is beginning to look desperate.  Might this panic arise from the threat of a gold-backed Ruble? Despite the devastating effect of sanctions on its currency, Russia has not sold one ounce of its gold, and continues (along with China) to be the largest buyer. We killed Muammar Gaddafi and bombed Libya back to the Stone Age within a year of Gaddafi's stated intent to mint a gold Dinar and to require gold payment for North African oil.[ emphasis added]


Bingo on the gold backed ruble.  The West is in a panic because that would be a threat to its smoke and mirrors economic policies.

Weakness invites aggression.  Evidently, there's no adults in DC right now.  Not good for us.

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