Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Home again, 2/4/15

Am I doing something right?  My pageviews are way up ( by my standards ).

Well, anyway, today I made my quota with 10 deliveries.  Yay, me!

A thought while on the road:  I want to use a tarp with my pallets so that they won't get wet when it rains.  I will lay the tarp down, and then put the pallets on top, then nail down the plywood and 2x4's.  I want pallets instead of using a lot of effort to make a deck.  This method yields a deck, quick and easy.  The disadvantage is that the pallets are on the ground, so they need some protection from the rain.

The move out West needs to be delayed, but I would seriously consider moving early.  Which means that I am confused as all get out.  I've got but a short while to get de-confused, because my lease runs out at the end of May.  It's either stick around for another 10 months from that point, or get the hell out of Dodge.

One consideration for staying is that I am going to need to buy a newer truck.  I don't believe that this van is going to last another 80k miles that it would need to last in order to make it two more years.  But that costs money and I don't want to spend money.  That's the confusing part.  No matter which way I turn, I am going to have to spend money.

While I get myself de-confused, I'll put up a video from a confused era of 1968.  It never did get de-confused, from that time to this time did it?

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