Saturday, September 27, 2014

About that goose...

Another one that elicits the "there they go again" response.

Over at the Mahablog, she's talking progressive taxation as a cure to all ills.  Well, we had that once, and we got rid of it because it doesn't work.  Progressive taxation was still plenty in effect during Jimmy Carter's malaise days.  The people then decided to try something new, Ronald Reagan, and the left has been trying to take us back to those days ever since.

The favorite decade of the left is the Fifties, which incidentally is one of the right's faves, too.  Back in the good ol' Fifties, the left argues, we had a real progressive tax structure.  We also had a GOP president who didn't really challenge the New Deal.  The left sees this as a kind of ideal time, even though their more radical cousins, the far left, was planning the Sixties for us.  The right sees it as a time when girls were still girls and men were still men.  All of this was about to change, of course.  What we ended up with was the Vietnam War, Watergate, Gay marriage, abortion, and the Great Recession.

I think the roots of all this go down to the love of money.  As if money had the answers to all of our problems.  Progressive taxation is just a money centered response.  Just redistribute all the money around and that will solve everything, the libs say.  But what if money isn't the answer?  The left seems to think so.  Hence, more taxation, more government, and less freedom.  By the way, turn in your guns, please.

The left argues against itself, it seems.  As Maha is berating the "Masters of the Universe", she fails to notice two things.  That the great Middle Class she claims to love so much do tend to vote for the Republicans.  Also, these Masters she claims to hate so much tend to vote liberal.  The liberals have a lock on the very rich and the very poor.  We may not have a War on Women, but we sure do have a War on the Middle Class, they say.  Yeah, and they are the ones waging it!

She says the GOP'ers want to get rich.  Yeah, maybe so.  But that doesn't stop the left's rich from getting rich.  They seem to be pretty good at it too.  The left needs a boogie man, but it turns out that they only need to look in the mirror.

Where the GOP is going wrong it is that they keep on accepting the left's premises.  The one that really is bad is that you need a lot of money in order to be secure.  Wrong!  You may well achieve plenty of security without much money at all.  That's what I'm trying to achieve with my going off the grid project.

Nope.  Money isn't the answer.  Spreading the money around doesn't solve any problems either.  It just makes them worse, as money is a corrupting influence.  That's how you destroy marriage, the culture, and eventually the nation.

I'll be keeping my guns, thank you very much.

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