Wednesday, June 11, 2014

On the other hand, Lindsey Graham won

After sorting through some of the analysis of Brat's win v Cantor, it doesn't look like a clear Tea Party win.  Lindsey Graham won in South Carolina.  If there was anybody who should have gone home to retire, it was this guy.

Maybe it's the man, not the party.  Dislike Graham if you want, but he must have been a smarter politician than Cantor.  Or perhaps there is another explanation.  Maybe Team Obama wanted Cantor out so that they can run on immigration.  Team Obama wants to divide the country according to race.  It's all about race with the Democrats, but they'll say that about the GOP.

If the GOP lets Obama get away with that, they may lose the House after all.

Not that it matters all that much.  Neither party supports the people anyway.

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