Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Obama's War on America

That is a phrase I'm noticing more and more on Barnhardt's site.  It seemed familiar to me, so I looked it up on this blog.  Yes, that phrase was used on this blog right here.

What I meant by the phrase is probably more a war on what has been traditional America.  But Barnhardt takes it further.  She has a lot to say about how modern AMERICAN missiles got into the hands of the Taliban.  How those missiles have already been used on Americans and the intention to use them in the future.

I speculated in another post that part of the reason that no help was given in Benghazi was the fear that these manpads would be used in downing American aircraft.  Obama just couldn't afford to have that happen right in the middle of an election season.  So he stood down our forces, including a Spectre gunship that could have ended the attack on the spot.  There were two deployed in the region just prior to the attack.

Actually what she is saying now isn't too far from what I suspected when this guy ran for President back in 2008.  Why would people vote for a guy with an Islamic name?  Because they have been browbeaten into rejecting their own common sense, and therefore will vote for the guy because they don't want to appear racist.

My opposition was partly based upon the suspicion that Obama could be a Trojan horse.  Barnhardt is saying that explicitly.  If she's right, Obama will have to be ousted from the office by force, just as she has been saying.

But also according to what she has been saying, there's nobody up to the job of doing that.  Nobody will do anything, especially the people in office who are supposed to be guarding the Constitution and the country.
Those in office won't do it because they love their money too much.  They have bowed down and are worshipping the money-God.   BTW, I got that idea from Barhardt, too.

Will force be necessary, or can another way be found?  Going off the grid could be an alternative.  Or perhaps not.

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