Saturday, July 20, 2013

The truth is a slippery thing, especially if you don't care about it

Especially when somebody is lying or just doesn't care about the truth.  The truth can be hidden.  Or it may just be hard to find.

Why put this video up?  It shows a couple of black people in Judge Judy's show who exhibit the trait of entitlement.  That's what's running rampant through our culture today.  Look how hard she has to work in order to get the truth out them both.

Judge Judy says here that she's sending the tape of the show to Congress.  You know what the reaction of that would be?  She would be accused of racism, that's what.   Is that a fair charge?  No.  She illustrates her point with her questioning.  Her motive was to get at truth and demonstrate what kind of problem we have in our society with this kind of behavior.  But instead of getting acknowledgment of what's wrong and a promise to correct the problem, we get a counter accusation.  The counter accusation is only meant to obfuscate, not to enlighten.

I don't know if that happened, of course.  I don't know if Judge Judy sent the tape to Congress and got that action.  But I am pretty sure that if she did, she would have gotten no meaningful response.  So, I am probably wrong about the response, whatever it was, but I am not wrong about how Congress is responsible for this kind of behavior in our society.  They are encouraging it.  But they will never acknowledge their part in the problem and if confronted with the accusation, they would probably pull out their typical accusation of racism for those they wish to silence.  In other words, they aren't interested in the truth.


Oops!  I shouldn't put up videos like this.  Instead, I'm going to take it down and link to it.

video was here, now its gone....................................................

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