Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Non-Citizenship Trap

The Daily Caller

Citizenship isn’t the big dealbreaker issue...what they really want, namely quick legal status before any new enforcement measures must be in place


Why not avoid the trap and not give citizenship nor quick legal status?  Certify that the border is sealed and then get on with legalization.  But here's the problem

They’d immediately forfeit the big prize they were supposed to win by caving on immigration–the Latino vote.

The problem is in accepting the left's premises.  How about defending their own premises, assuming they actually have any?  I always thought the conservatives were about the rule of law.  That's the premise at stake here.  The Gop is ready to reward lawlessness in favor of being liked for not being racist.  Sorry, that didn't work in 1986 and it won't work now, either.  The Latinos like the big government liberalism.  The Gop ought to be defending that and not allow any advantages to the left because they abandoned their principles and started accepting the left's racial premises.

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