Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Obama's Freudian Slip

When he said that "we are stronger" after the 9-11 attack, WHO was he talking about?  Why, the big government liberals that he belongs to, of course.  That's the slip up.  He really didn't mean to say that openly, but he did say that in his deepest heart.  But he really didn't mean to say it openly, that's what makes it a Freudian slip.  Because he did mean it that way, deep down inside.  Deep down inside, he wants the government to be bigger and stronger,  His faction is stronger than ever, but what about us?

One look at how Boston responded to the latest jihadist atrocity should give an important clue.  People cowering in their homes because of a couple idiots who want to kill those people there who were only having a good time and enjoying themselves.

Are "we, the people" stronger after that?  What do YOU think?

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